Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lazy Days... or Not

I'm taking the week off from work and would love to say I'm just lazing round the house. But, project dealines are up at work so I'm putting a few hours in from home each day. Good to meet deadines if possible and nice to be able to work from home with gas prices the way they are!

It's been beautiful outside so I've also been enjoying yardwork. My big plan (ha) was to clean up inside of the house. Although I've made a couple clean spots it's no where near what I was envisioning.

I'm feeling back up to speed from the surgery last week. The incision is healing nicely. It's in the same spot as the previous port scar. Nice not to add a new one. I had taken the dressing off after 2 days because it was beginning to blister under the tape edges. What is up with me and surgical tape? A bit sore and red at first (the incision, not the tape marks) but I've been slathering it with antibiotic so much better now.

The house is feeling very quiet with Sander away at Nature's Classroom for the week. I'm hoping to dig into his room tomorrow. Love to have it clean and organized for when he gets home.

I feel like I'm having a nice reprieve this week from doctors and hospitals, 'til Friday. 1st (fake) radiation on Friday (full set-up with x-rays rather than rads.) Next week it starts for real. Mondays-Fridays for 33 (week)days. What fun. The countdown begins...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Home Safe & Sound

Writing from home, shocking to be able to have surgery and come home again same day. Quick and easy, the way day surgery should be!

Goodbye to Port!

Hello -- this is Lisa writing. I just talked with Beth at the hospital and she is happy to let you all know that the port-a-cath removal was quick and easy. She's in the surgical recovery area and expects to go home soon. She sounded upbeat and relieved that the surgery had gone well. We love you, Beth!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The new surgical oncologist felt nothing! So it's a go for Thursday port removal. Wahoo!

I would be overwhelmingly happy but I'm too exhausted. The appointment was scheduled for 4 PM and we didn't see him until close to 6 PM. He was stuck in surgery... fitting place for a surgeon I guess. Mom met me at the breast center to keep me company and be a second set of ears. Great to have the company for appointment, walk to cafeteria while waiting, treated by Mom to yummy pomegranate/pear juice and parking fee, thanks Mom!

What was most interesting to me beyond no lump was being informed that the breast center surgeons will no longer perform port-a-cath surgeries. It'll all be done by radiologists now. The new surgeon (who really is a very nice guy) said this is to protect the surgeons from all the excess radiation. Hmmmm...... that's my "ask a bitter woman" thought of the day.

Off to a quick Girl Scout leader meeting then sleep.... back in the saddle tomorrow but no Dr's appointments. Wahoo again!

Appointment Update

Testing complete for the port removal on Thusday. It'll be done in the interventional radiology suite through the surgical unit. I won't know the time until they call on Wed. I can't eat or drink after midnight so hopefully it'll be early in the day. The paperwork they'd given me is to prepare for an angiogram. I'll need someone to drive me home (James or Mom), bed rest for 6 hrs then limit activity including driving for 24 hrs. Hmmm.... I was planning on working Friday (and some of Thursday if I could) then taking next week off during the kids vaca to clean the house. Plans may change.

The radiation oncology appointment yesterday afternoon went fairly smoothly. Man, I will NEVER get a tattoo. The did 6 itty bitty spots on me as markers and it was quite painful. I'm all set up and ready to go. First appointment on Friday April 25th they'll test the set up with x-ray instead of radiation. Then we go for real on Monday the 28th every weekday morning for 6 1/2 weeks. None of these scheduled yet but I did stress to them that I have to schedule in the AM. Yesterdays 2 PM appointment took 2 laps around the huge parking garage to find a free space and that was after following someone walking to their car. That happening every day would add a bit of stress to my life.

Today I go to meet the new surgeon and hopefully have him tell me this thing under my arm is all related to surgical healing and nothing to worry about. Work first and getting the kids out the door on time for school so they don't have any more detentions. Bye for now!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday. Whew.

TGIF. I'm sitting here at work. 2 calls within the past hour that doctors appointments have been rescheduled and a work related email exchange that hit me the wrong way. I'd blogged here with details but have since removed it... sorry if you visited during this editing frenzy and also sorry if you didn't visit earlier, have no idea what I'm talking about, and are totally confused. I'm having a nice cuppa tea and am feeling much better now.

So, my radiation oncology appointment from today has been rescheduled to Monday afternoon. This means I go to pre-op testing at one hospital on Monday then drive to the other hospital for the radiation appointment. Fun. My appointment with the surgical oncologist that had already been rescheduled once has been rescheduled again from Wed afternoon to Tuesday afternoon. Wed is free now. Thurs I'm still scheduled for port removal. Hopefully these appointment times will stick.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Sorry for delay in posting. I'm dealing with some stress completely unrelated to cancer. On a positive note in attempt to relieve this stress I've gotten a family membership to the Y. The kids and I have been using the Wellness Center which is a huge fitness center (10 years old and up are trained to use the space, perfect!) Phoebe and Sander are very excited. I went through training with the kids and although I'm not sure I'll use the weight room other than spotting the kiddos but the aerobic equipment looks promising. Plus not one but two indoor pools which seem to get very busy. First time in the pool I scared enough small children away with lack of hair, hat, or wig that we had plenty of room to swim.

All is well with treatment. I was mixed up on the dates in the schedule below. The pre-testing for the port removal isn't until the 14th at Noon, not the 4th as previously mentioned. It's been a uneventful week this week but next picks the pace up again with the pre-op test (14th), meeting new surgical oncologist (16th), port removal surgery (17th), as well an early dinner out with friends (16th) and a girl scout meeting (18th). Slightly overbooked but hopefully I'll get through the week. I'm crossing fingers that the port removal is an ultra quick office visit but the scheduled pre-op testing makes me think otherwise.

Hot flashes are alive and well. I tried sleeping over the weekend without a pill. I've decided that the reason I sleep so well with drugs is that the pill allows me to sleep through the hot flashes. The test night without I was tossing covers then pulling them back on every 15 minutes. Not a solid night sleep but I'll try again this weekend. And no hair yet. I gave my head a final shave over the weekend. I had a bizarre mix of no hair and a few stragglers. Now my scalp has a clean, smooth surface for a new batch to grow in. James is hoping for red and curly. I'll be happy with anything.