Saturday, November 10, 2007

Spasms and Meetings

I had a dear friend, Themia, bring over homemade Spanakopita yesterday for lunch. It's a delicious Greek spinach pie so lot's of iron. My sister was over at the same time delivering some meds (thanks!) and taking the dogs for a walk. It was a nice visit but throughout I was having these weird muscle spasms on my left side. I spoke to the doctor's office and they said, yeah, that can happen. Put warm damp heat on it. Linda and Themia set me up and I settled down for a rather painful looking nap as they left. They're on and off again now. James is thinking they might get better if I'm up and about a bit more so I'll give that a shot today. He has history of back spasms and moving around, although painful, is the only thing that works.

The first round of post surgery appointments has been set up. I see the surgeon on Monday, then a chest x-ray. Still need to schedule with the thoracic surgeon or atleast have him reveiw the x-ray. Then the medical oncologist on Wednesday.

I'm going to try my first cup of coffee this AM after tea-ing it for a week. I still haven't gone back to reading my "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips" book yet.... feel like I need to read a "Crazy Sexy Surviving a Huge Surgery Glitch Tips" book first. Love to all. Beth


Loan said...

Hi Beth,

So good to read all the good news. I'm doing the jig for you.


Beth Mellor said...

Hi Loan, Thanks, love, and see you soon. Beth