Sunday, August 18, 2019

Phone home

phone home
James' sister texted asking today if he'd started cracking jokes again. That's a good sign of how he's feeling so I asked and "phone home" was his response. The oxygen sensor light is perfect, took us a minute to get it but :^) he's back.

Today was a good day.

They took him off the "special k" (ketamine iv) and said he the drain should come out tomorrow. The two stipulations of coming home are off ketamine and drain removed. Yay. Crossing fingers and everything else that tomorrow will be the day.

He finally tried the protein shake that the nurse had recommended when first hospitalized and he loved it. Bummer that he waited so long into the hospitalization to test it out but good to know it's there for tomorrow. The other foods had been hit or miss, mostly miss. I told him he should order a couple shakes for breakfast. So many flavors, so little time.

I'm home to sleep tonight, still trying to catch up with a little work without much luck. It's been hard to focus and it'll be nice to be all in one place again. We'd love to get away for a little of James' birthday week to NH but won't stress about it. We'll see how he's feeling when he's home.

The kids have been such a huge help. Phoebe was with us at the hospital today which was really nice.  We did a couple quick errands on the way home then were pulled over by a nice young cop who said I didn't have my lights on. Yikes. Phoebe said it was my frazzled apologetic face that sent us on our way with a "you're all set, have a nice night."

Sander stayed home, he's been doing SO much around the house. It's been a complete disaster the past few years and he's digging in. I've told him what I don't know is missing won't be missed. So far I haven't missed a thing, we'll see if James does when he walks back through the door.

Yes, today was a good day. Hope your day was good too!

Thank heavens for sweet nurses, talented surgeons, kind policemen, wonderful children, and delicious shakes.

xxoo for now Beth & James

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Love and support

I don't often talk about our support system. This photo of James post surgery eating a delicious cup of black raspberry ice cream that my sister Susan delivered feels like a fitting place to start.... thank you to ALL our family, on both sides, for having our backs and taking care of us when we're down. Phoebe and Aleksander (our two wonderful kids) we are so thankful you're with us keeping us sane and strong with love and laughter. To my beautiful mother and sisters who all help out at the drop of a pin whether or not I think we need the help. To all of James' wonderful siblings and family (he's one of eight or 11 or 40+ when we count the half-sibs, in-laws, out-laws, nieces, nephews, grands, etc) each Mellor is gifted with his angel of a Mom's giving/caring nature. All of our loving family, extended family, friends and neighbors pick us up mentally, financially, physically. Your kindness and generosity and support is hugely appreciated, we could not carry on without you. We love and appreciate you all so very much.

A quick medical update.... surgery went well thank goodness. James will be inpatient for a couple days then home healing or in NH fishing, we'll see how it goes and will try to keep you all updated. No news yet on whether he's made it into that clinical trial, too soon to know. Good news is that whether or not we do have options. One foot in front of the other hopefully with a smile on the face and ice cream in hand. Thanks! xxxoo Beth, James, Phoebe and Sander

Friday, August 16, 2019

Dana Farber

browsing hospital menu for puddings
Dana Farber has a phase 2 clinical trial in mind but needed to stabilize his cervical vertebrae which were quite damaged by cancer. Things move quickly here. First oncology consult about clinical trial was Wednesday, imaging same day showed damage to C1-2-3 resulting in surgical consult Thursday and admittance to hospital. He’s in surgery today (Friday) at Brigham and Women's in Boston and I’m waiting patiently. 

If all goes well with the surgery, the clinical trial sounds promising. It's a combination therapy, immunotherapy with something more targeted. We're waiting to see if he's accepted but in the meantime needed to stabilize the spine and then heal from the surgery. Infusions would start in a couple weeks.

Positive energy sent his/our way will be hugely appreciated.