Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Update from Susie

Hi all. Beth is doing well today. The epidural was removed this morning and she is now on a combination of regular pain pills spaced out to provide adequate coverage. We hope that she will be ready to go home tomorrow but only if the pain is manageable. I was there visiting earlier today and was happy to witness her last tube being disconnected! So she is currently tube free, finally free of the IV, among all the other things. She was excited to move about freely and is anticipating a visit from the physical therapist to test out stairs etc. So if all goes well tonight she will hopefully be at home in her own bed tomorrow night. Her last blood cell count check was decent, 24, compared to the last time they sent her home from the hospital which was 19. No wonder she was tired. Thanks for checking in, we'll definitely post the happy news when she is released!


Rob said...

WAHOO! Good news again!!!
Thanks for the update Suzie!

Beth Mellor said...

Hey Rob, I found the book when I got home from the hospital. Looks like a fabulous read, thanks! Hopefully it'll get my spirit in the right spot for the start of chemo in Dec. xox Beth