Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Waiting for Cat Scan results...

Sister Susie here again. Sorry for the delay in posting some news but not much has been happening since my last post (besides Beth being on a pain roller coaster, very frustrating trying to stay medicated properly). Beth had a bit of a tough night last night in the beginning, was in a lot of pain and it took a while to find the right medication to ease it. Finally she received a double shot of morphine and that helped, she was able to get some sleep. Today started off with a chest xray, more medication, still on the clear liquid diet. There was a large torture session this afternoon when they took her from the room to perform a heart test in preparation for the chemo. Unfortunately this was incredibly painful for her. We don't understand why they had to continue with this test for chemo treatment when they're still trying to solve the current problem and she is so obviously uncomfortable. She had been waiting for a Cat Scan all day today and finally went down for one early this evening (with her friend Loan who happened to be visiting, thanks Loan!) Now she waits for the surgeon to review the Cat Scan results and make a decision if further surgery is necessary. We hope to hear by the morning. Please keep Beth in your thoughts. I'll try to update in the AM when I know more.

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