Saturday, February 2, 2008

Road Trip

Taking the kids and Mom on a road trip today to see sister Sue in Boston. We're contemplating the Science Museum, Garment District then dinner out. I'm feeling pretty good this AM so hope my energy will last the day. I'll be stealth in my wig. Looking forward to a fun day out and about.

The previous week went well after my low day on Monday. Each day was better than the last. Tues low energy but able to go to work. Wed bit better. Thurs and Fri fairly normal days. I should be fine through my next treatment on Thursday then we'll see what the new drug brings. My eyes are still a bit watery but I can use liner and mascara (on what's left of lashes) on the top lid so still able to look slightly girly.

My head feels good shaved. It makes sleeping nice. No sticking to pillow and head can stay cool if needed without the hat.

All for now. Off to wake the masses.... Enjoy your day!

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