Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lazy Days... or Not

I'm taking the week off from work and would love to say I'm just lazing round the house. But, project dealines are up at work so I'm putting a few hours in from home each day. Good to meet deadines if possible and nice to be able to work from home with gas prices the way they are!

It's been beautiful outside so I've also been enjoying yardwork. My big plan (ha) was to clean up inside of the house. Although I've made a couple clean spots it's no where near what I was envisioning.

I'm feeling back up to speed from the surgery last week. The incision is healing nicely. It's in the same spot as the previous port scar. Nice not to add a new one. I had taken the dressing off after 2 days because it was beginning to blister under the tape edges. What is up with me and surgical tape? A bit sore and red at first (the incision, not the tape marks) but I've been slathering it with antibiotic so much better now.

The house is feeling very quiet with Sander away at Nature's Classroom for the week. I'm hoping to dig into his room tomorrow. Love to have it clean and organized for when he gets home.

I feel like I'm having a nice reprieve this week from doctors and hospitals, 'til Friday. 1st (fake) radiation on Friday (full set-up with x-rays rather than rads.) Next week it starts for real. Mondays-Fridays for 33 (week)days. What fun. The countdown begins...

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