Monday, January 29, 2018

Day 6 UMass '80s Boy Band

I came in nice and early today and caught the surgical rounds. James told the nurses after they'd left that the '80s Boy Band had stopped by, too funny. The young surgeons surrounded the bed, poked pushed and pulled. They noted his neck is very red (not a huge change from over the weekend) I commented on the swelling (although it's a bit better) They said drains will stay in (bummer) Not quite ready to test swallowing fluids and want to keep watching things. They'll confer wth Vaezi. I'm curious if he pops in today and if anything changes. Time will tell.

The nurses stayed on top of pain meds overnight which is awesome. I don't think he slept much, fits and spurts, but who does in the hospital? The day nurse, Nicole again (love Nicole) has done all she needs to do for the moment and I may test drive going home to do some work and coming back in the afternoon through early evening. James seems pretty comfortable and I feel ok leaving him in Nicole's hands.

I was hoping to be here if Dr. Vaezi pops in but they say there is no way to time a visit. He swings by when he can, maybe in the afternoon. Hope I can catch him! If not James will need to catch me up.

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