Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Day 5 v1

James is good. He slept on/off last night woken sporadically by med staff and is closing his eyes again now. Today may be uneventful, it's a Sunday and inpatient weekends can be quiet.

Swelling looks to be down the tiniest bit at the jawline, nice.

They removed two IV lines and put in 1 fresh, also nice.

When using the feeding tube last night James said they "pushed" the food in rather than waiting for the slow drip. He said when they do that it can come back up a bit so he "tastes" the food. I asked if it was yummy? No. I said it looks like it should taste like vanilla pudding. No. Too bad.

I need to ask why we have a prescription tube of bacitracin ointment which is unopened sitting here looking at me. I feel as though the surgeon perhaps wanted the stitches to be lubed but when I ask med staff they don't know. I missed the surgical team again this morning (of course, running late, couldn't find my glasses, needed to add coolant to the "other" car, see previous post) so I think I'll send a message to try to get an answer.

Waiting to meet the nurse du jour, Nicole. I see that she's a 7-7 shift, yikes. Must be exhausting to work 12 hours straight in the wards. Will need to be extra kind as the day goes on.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Prayers for patience! And that James has a better day pain free!!!! And that your cars are cooperating today Beth!

Love and Healing Light,

Colleen, Steve, Zoƫ B. and Tristan