Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Cleaning supplies and more

The stoma is small enough that James can now cover it with his thumb and speak as long as the prosthesis is clear (it does get clogged quite a bit). James told Phoebe he sounds like Froggy of Little Rascals. Phoebe is still so much better at reading lips than I am. I keep looking at his eyes. Stop looking at his eyes.

The stoma is also small enough that if James "nods off" sitting up he feels like the head drop closes the opening and he stops breathing. Wearing the humidifier mask helps keep the path to breathing open as it keeps his head up. We're hoping this will be something that will be addressed and corrected next time we see Dr. V. either with the HME or some alternate device.

The visiting nurse had tried to order supplies for us to clean the stoma (long medical grade cotton tip q-tips and cotton pads/sponges) I've been making due (barely) with regular q-tips and tissues. Yikes. So we've been patiently waiting (not) for over a week and just found out that the med supply company rejected our insurance. I really miss having good health insurance that doesn't get rejected. Ugh. I found them on Amazon. Cost isn't hideous so I placed the order but honestly seems like something med insurance should cover don'tcha think?

Still watching the Olympics.

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