Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Still here and dinner time, yum.

Dinner time for James
Dinner time at the Mellor house, for James anyway.... he says "not liquified Kangaroo meat again" --- inside joke, the pump is a "Kangaroo Joey". It came with a little backpack hence the "Joey" name, actually maybe it's a front pack? Just in case you want to take it on the road. Maybe hike the Mountain while having a continuous snack. Hmm...

I think I'd mentioned that he sets himself up. The hospital had him on a strict schedule 12 hours overnight continuous feed but he's just been hooking himself up on/off during the day as he feels hungry. We have an appointment Friday with the surgeon and hope/pray that the feeding tube will come out. He's about ready to be done with it although UPS just delivered a month supply of the liquid "food". The hospital formula smelled just like vanilla cake batter, I can't quite place this one. It's a bit like a beige sludge and very sticky. I tried to help refill at 3 a.m. night before last and forgot to open the top of the bag so poured the sticky goo all over pole bag Joey cords humidity hose plugs cords floor yikes. Nothing like a little 3 a.m. clean up on aisle 5. James doesn't ask for my help with THAT any more.

The steri-strips running down both sides of his neck fell off today. His neck is looking good and the stitches healed nicely. Baby steps to our new normal.

Thanks today to Jessica Hart for snow blowing for us. I was out shoveling and the snow was like a wet cement. Freezing rain had started mid way through the storm and was weighing everything down.

James had a fairly restful day, he's sitting in his comfy chair now having "dinner" working on the crossword. He's come up with a solution for the endlessly running nose (don't think I'd mentioned this yet? we hope it's from the feeding tube and not permanent...) he neatly rolls a couple tissues as plugs. Interesting look. I took the photo before tissues were in place. I suggested mini marshmallows may be a nice fit. He thinks not.

Tomorrow the visiting nurse visits again if it's not too icy. We were going to play it by ear based on weather. Other than that it may be a quiet day. Probably a little more snow related clean up. I want to make notes for the surgeon on Friday. Best to be prepared so that we don't miss anything!

Thanks for checking in. xxoo Beth and James

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