Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Such a rainy day

It's very rainy out today, perfect for James to sleep in and me to catch up with a little work.

We had an appointment yesterday with the palliative care people who seem very nice and supportive. They'll be controlling meds from this point on. They've adjusted pain meds increasing the main one a bit so he's not leaning as heavily on the break through. They're also going to stop the steroid before start of immunotherapy on Friday. We've been told the two contraindicate each other i.e. the steroid could make the immunotherapy slightly less effective and we'd like to give the immunotherapy the best possible chance to work. They're swopping in an antidepressant that they hope will also serve to increase appetite, mood, sleep (so taking at night). I think the one thing we may miss from the steroid is the increased energy, hopefully the improved appetite will continue on with new med. We were told that if the immunotherapy works well for James there is a chance they could add the steroid back in, low dose, to improve quality of life but that would be down the road.

James had two manicotti last night and Phoebe had made a pumpkin pie so he also had two small slices with vanilla ice cream. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see him eat. Today may be quiet. He'll hopefully be up and puttering. I'll be around the house doing my thing. We have a visitor midday. Not a bad rain day all in all.

Footnote.... we've cancelled visitor, sorry Jen! He's feeling very overtired after all so will continue to rest. Taking it day by day hour by hour minute by minute and in this particular minute he'd like to rest.

1 comment:

susan b. smooth said...

So glad he was able to enjoy the manicotti and pumpkin pie! XOXO