Friday, December 7, 2018

VA and health and health insurance yikes

James is really doing great. He has good energy, appetite is up, sleeping a tiny bit better maybe. In my eyes the immunotherapy is working but we have to wait to see what they say. Next infusion is this week on Thursday.

The VA has been a true blessing. While there is not any financial assistance (yet, still a possibility) they will continue to drop off that mixed food box of things for us to test. We've seen a primary care person who contacted her nutritionist and they has signed us up for deliveries of high protein chocolate Ensure, 3x day for a month was the first delivery. That's a lot of Ensure! While the high protein isn't his fave to drink straight up I've been using it in the choc frappes (1/2 banana, scoop of weight gain protein powder, vanilla icecream, Ensure, little extra choc syrup) and tonight I made homemade chocolate pudding using Ensure instead of milk. It was the old Betty Crocker recipe which has egg yolks so extra extra protein. Very rich and delicious. We all had a bowl hot off the stove top with a scoop of vanilla icecream. Mmmmm.....

Little health insurance trauma yesterday. I was calling in a couple prescriptions and was told by one pharmacy that James insurance was cancelled so they could not fill the script. I went to pick up a prescription at the other pharmacy and they also didn't fill (didn't call me either) because the insurance was no longer active. I called the insurance co freaking out. They said it was cancelled through the MA Health Connector and I had to talk to them. My ins was still active and we're on a family plan. James is in the middle of cancer treatment. He'd just had a CT scan. He's scheduled for immunotherapy infusion this coming week. We have 4 prescriptions that we need to fill. My brain exploded and I was flipping between swearing and crying on the phone. The MA Health Connector could not explain to me why his insurance was "terminated". I started worrying it was because we'd gone to the VA clinic. Our insurance is subsidized, would they terminate if they realized that he's a veteran and can get medical care through the VA? I called the VA clinic, our VA rep, and a VA social worker. They all assured me that the insurance should not cancel but also said they would cover his Oncology care, anything he needs through UMass for 6 months. The VA medical team, social workers, and our VA rep are all angels. I called MA Health Connector again today and the insurance drop may have been a blip. A mistake. An oops. They're working to reinstate it. Do they realize our current state of stress and anxiety? Oops sorry. Really? Thank goodness for the VA. They have our backs.

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