Saturday, August 17, 2019

Love and support

I don't often talk about our support system. This photo of James post surgery eating a delicious cup of black raspberry ice cream that my sister Susan delivered feels like a fitting place to start.... thank you to ALL our family, on both sides, for having our backs and taking care of us when we're down. Phoebe and Aleksander (our two wonderful kids) we are so thankful you're with us keeping us sane and strong with love and laughter. To my beautiful mother and sisters who all help out at the drop of a pin whether or not I think we need the help. To all of James' wonderful siblings and family (he's one of eight or 11 or 40+ when we count the half-sibs, in-laws, out-laws, nieces, nephews, grands, etc) each Mellor is gifted with his angel of a Mom's giving/caring nature. All of our loving family, extended family, friends and neighbors pick us up mentally, financially, physically. Your kindness and generosity and support is hugely appreciated, we could not carry on without you. We love and appreciate you all so very much.

A quick medical update.... surgery went well thank goodness. James will be inpatient for a couple days then home healing or in NH fishing, we'll see how it goes and will try to keep you all updated. No news yet on whether he's made it into that clinical trial, too soon to know. Good news is that whether or not we do have options. One foot in front of the other hopefully with a smile on the face and ice cream in hand. Thanks! xxxoo Beth, James, Phoebe and Sander

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