Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Beth's out of surgery

Hi Everyone, Susie again. It's now 1:30PM Tuesday. Beth went into the surgical unit this morning to have a new chest drain inserted. She's been back in her room recovering for a few hours. She is looking good and feeling better, just had some broth and sorbet. Luckily they were able to give a good local anesthesia so she didn't feel much of the procedure. Now they wait and asess again, hoping to get all of the fluid out. There is a slight chance that some clotting may remain but hoping that the drain will clear everything out. If the clots don't leave via the chest drain there is a chance they would need to surgically remove them. Hoping that won't happen. Looks like she'll be here for turkey day, they don't expect to release her until Thursday eve or Friday. Still have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks for checking in!


Nancy said...

It was great to see you today Beth! Not exactly dinner at the Barn, but it will do for now! I'm so glad the chest drain surgery wasn't as bad this time. I hope at least that part is finally resolved.
I'll cross my fingers that you'll be home soon and having a big Thanksgiving... no matter what the day!
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Beth, Carl and I are here for whatever you need, just ask. We're praying for you!

Beth Mellor said...

Nancy and Barbi, Thanks for checking in and all the well wishes. The hospital snacks were yummy and I've been enjoying the spinach pie for my lunches. Love to you all and hope to see you soon. xox Beth