Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Home-Sweet-Home v.2

I'm back home again and can't tell you how good it feels. It was an unbelievably long week and I'll be happy if I never have to stay in the hospital again. I've experienced the best and the worst of our health care system. I'm in pain and moving slowly but feel better than any one given day in the past 3 weeks. I'm pumped full of pain drugs, antibiotics, and new blood. My oncologist asked them to give me yet another couple pints while in hosp in prep for chemo. Tests this AM show my crit is now up to 32.5! My pre-Nov 2 surgery high of 38.5, can't ask for more.

I have scars now all over my upper body. The incision for the lung surgery is about 8-10" horizontal accross my mid left back. Three chest tube incisions about 1" ea. A few other little incisions that are from what? Who knows.... Plus the original portacath site, new portacath site, and lumpecomy incision. I'll be on the lookout for an interesting story come bathing suit season...

I'm hanging out with the kids right now in the living room watching Myth Busters. I'm sitting up, cross legged on the couch. Last time I was home from hosp I think I was laying down on this same couch for 2 weeks straight unable to move, breath, live. It feels like this time I might be able to rejoin and participate in our family life even if it is even just hanging out watching the TV. And, now I do feel like I can get myself strong for chemo which has a new start date of Dec 13th.

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, positive energy and well-wishes. It's great to be home! Beth


Jonathan said...

Glad to hear that you are home, Beth. One more thing to be thankful for this year. And the solution for the scars? Tattoos of course. I bet you could up with a very creative design that incorporates all of them.


Beth Mellor said...

Hi Jonnie, Tattoos sound perfect but I think if one more needle comes near me I'm going to burst like a balloon.... maybe a temp-tattoo to start. xox Beth