Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mini Update

I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 AM tomorrow so surgery will hopefully be over and done with early. I don't know how long the pre-op stuff takes. I was getting stressed and anxious at work today so left a bit early, picked the kids up at school, and took them out to buy some new sheets for all our beds. We also stopped by the bookstore. I had all intensions of buying books recommended by my wonderful cousin-in-law but it was a tiny bookstore and didn't have her recommended books in stock. I did however pick up "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips" by Kris Carr with a foreward by Sheryl Crow. Wish me luck tomorrow AM.... neg nodes.... neg nodes.... neg nodes.... Beth


bobbye samdahl said...

good luck beth, I'll send as many positive vibes as I can muster.

Beth Mellor said...

Hi Bobbye, Thanks for the vibes, keep 'em coming... looks like it'll be a bit of a trek before I'm done. Beth