Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday morning at the hospital

Hi, this is Lisa with news from Susie at the hospital. Beth is resting in the Surgical Unit ICU after a very difficult day and night. Mom and Sue are with her. It turns out that the porta-cath they inserted during the surgery must have hit an artery instead of a vein. This caused internal bleeding in the cavity between her lungs and ribcage, which created pressure and trouble breathing. The surgeon put a drain into the area between her ribs and lungs late last night, and a lot of fluid drained out -- I think Linda said over a liter. Linda was with her all evening and into the wee hours. Beth has been in a lot of pain and the hospital staff has had trouble keeping her comfortable. They are trying to get her to eat something now so that she can take oral pain medication.

The porta-cath is in the right place now and the x-rays are looking better. They think the internal bleeding has stopped. Hoping the drain will be removed and that she'll be moved to a regular room sometime today. In the best case scenario she will go home on Sunday.

The good news is that the lymph nodes are all clear of the cancer. I know you are all holding Beth in your thoughts and prayers, and she feels your love and support.

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