Monday, November 5, 2007

She's Home!

Hooray!! Susie here. Beth's finally home after this long weekend of hospital torture. But seriously, thanks to all the nurses and doctors who were so kind and understanding, especially Kerri in the ICU.

I just sp0ke with Mom who gave Beth a ride home. The kids and James were eagerly awaiting her arrival. She's very tired, of course, and recovering from some Morphine they had to give her today. But such good news that she is at home and able to rest and recover without interuption (hopefully :-) Here's to a very quick recovery, may we all be thinking good thoughts for Beth! We love you Beth! Lot's of hugs and kisses.

1 comment:

Loan said...

Hi All,

Yeah!!!I'm sooo glad Beth is home and recovering! I just want to thank you all for taking the time to set up this blog and updating it so frequently with all you had to do. I truly appreciate you sharing your stories. It make me feel like I was there. Beth, I'll stop by for a visit once you have a chance to re-cooperate. - Love, Loan