Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another Quiet Weekend

Quiet days here in the Mellor house which is a good. I worked a full week last week (think I mentioned that already) and had a girl scout meeting on Friday night. Saturday I drove Sander to a friends house for an overnight then had a pretty quiet day. Phoebe made dinner for James and I choosing an amazing "Dream Dinner" gifted to us by the Garcia family (thank you again for the freezer full!!!) then went next door to babysit for the neighbors. James and I watched "Thank You for Smoking", funny movie I'd picked up at the library. Today was quiet as well. Hung out around the house then went to pick Sander back up from the sleep over. Now I'm contemplating what's best on plate for tonight's dinner.

My eyes and nose have still been fairly weepy. What's up with that? Supposed to have stopped by now I think. My eyebrows are looking very thin and most of the lashes are toast. Although I have people congratulating me on having any brows left at all so I shouldn't complain too much. This Thursday I go for chemo #6, # 7 is already scheduled, and I make the appointment for #8. It'll be the end of scheduling chemo appointments hopefully forever. Sweet.

I was actually going to run up to the Mountain tonight, seriously, but when I swung by to check it out on the way home from pick up of Sander there were massive lines, full parking lots, and freezing rain just hitting my windshield. Ah well, wasn't meant to be... tonight... the season's not over yet.


MaryD said...

I have just left you a comment on the post entitled Haircuts...etc - which I meant to leave here. Sorry! In case you don't pick it up - it was just to let you know that I came across your wonderful blog by accident while google trawling - I also have a son and daughter - aged 7 and 12 - and was diagnosed in August last year - and have been writing a blog since september using exactly the same format - and some of the same vocab! Please feel free to read it if you feel like it - it is rather long now but hopefully not too wishes from a fellow bc girl on the other side of the pond...

Wishing you well and hoping you don't mind my intrusion...

Beth Mellor said...

Hi Mary, So happy you found me from across the ocean and very jealous of your hair. I did a quick read through of your blog (at work.... shhh....) and will revisit in depth later. Must be fabulous to have some texture back on the head! I'm still a glowing orb. Thanks for finding me. I'll leave another message on your end. All the best. Beth