Saturday, February 3, 2018

Day 11 again

I feel like I've dropped the ball a bit with the blog. Multi tasking in the hospital room with an online bead show had my brain going in a few too many directions. Although it has been nice to be able to hang out with James while I do it. Will be great to be back home tomorrow too if all goes well! So far so good....

I met with a med equipment guy at the house today. Apologizing (as ever) for the mess, dust, pet hair. He said with one of the machines you normally clean the filters once a week but suggested that we do it 2-3 times instead :^) yikes. Yup.

James continues to do well. It's so much better having the stitches and drains out. We go home with the tube-feed in place hopefully just for one more week. The wanted to continue it for a bit so his throat can heal. Visiting nurses start on Monday.

So med equipment will be humidifier tube contraption with stoma mask so he's breathing moist air as everything heals. If it dries out things get crusty and there is nothing good about that! Also suction equipment, very important to keep everything clear. James does have a nice strong cough to get stuff up himself which is great. Lastly the tube feed equip (will deliver tomorrow) which we'll run overnight just like they do in the hosp although we have to refill halfway. Thinking if we start at 6 pm and I make beads til midnight I can refill then sleep. Perfect.

James is looking very sleeping. I'm going to head out soon. Have a nice night all!

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