Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Quiet is the new normal

James has been working a little with alternate methods of talking. In lieu of the voice prosthesis (while we wait for stoma to heal and possible HME to assist) the other method of speaking is to "swallow" a bit of air then "push" it back up (aka burping) using the air to speak. He's actually pretty good at it, one or two words at a time. I told him he'll be the favorite great uncle to all the wee boys and maybe girls too teaching them all to burp talk at family parties. The Moms and Dads will love us, I'm sure. Bro-Mark stopped by for a visit last night and they were reminiscing when kids about burping the word "rutabaga"... any other Mellors have memories of that? Too funny.

Any hooo we're pretty relaxed here in the house. We've been watching a LOT of the Winter Olympics. The athletes are pretty amazing and it's perfect timing for our current home bound care. Although today he went out to work for a bit and I did a little work at home. The visiting nurse has come and gone and can't believe how great he looks. We still need to put a few lbs back on (him not me) but all else is great.

Yesterday James checked in with his PCP, Dr. E. and he agrees all is good. Love Dr. E.

Tomorrow we see the Radiation Oncologist to begin set-up for radiation treatment which we think may start in 3 weeks or so?

We've asked for a new Medical Oncologist for chemo, the one that I'd selected as suggested by my Med Onc is not positive thinking enough for James so he asked the surgeon to suggest someone else. Nothing scheduled yet but it's in the works.

I'm lighting the torch now to make beads. Phoebe is in the kitchen planning dinner for us. James is relaxing in his easy chair watching TV and hooked up to humidity. It's a happy Valentines Day for us, hope it is for you too. Sending love and xxxxxxx Beth and James

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