Monday, October 8, 2018

What a difference a day makes

The good thing about med care at a larger hospital clinic is that they always have someone on call. I was able to get a small script submitted today for the breakthrough pain med and James is doing well. He's down in the basement mixing and pouring a concrete footing for the new/used/gift of a washer. I'm making beads. Feels like a fairly normal day. Thanks to Mom and Sue for picking up the meds and delivering with some pizza. James is enjoying one and I'm enjoying the other. Yum.

Editing in to reassure all who may worry about James mixing/pouring the many bags of concrete for the footing I took a bead break to help a bit with the mixing while he perfected the pour, perfectionist that he is. It was date night in the cellar. To all who question whether you too could mix a bunch of concrete, you are stronger than you think.

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