Monday, December 17, 2007

Bad Weekend

No luck with no side effects. I have felt horrible all weekend through today, Monday. Worse nausea than when I was pregnant combined with crying jags and continuing ache/pain from chest tube spots. Ugh. I'm going to keep this entry short and go sip some ginger tea with honey. I've been trying to eat tiny light meals, but mostly living on ginger ale and saltines. The couch is my new home and sleep at night is difficult. I'm hoping things will get better today to give me a week or so before the next treatment. I can't imagine if I stayed this way throughout.... waaaa...


Anonymous said...

Beth, just remember that next year you'll look back at all this and LAUGH...HA HA HA!!!! and forget any love bald women...but don't let that secret out... ;)

Rob said...

Thinking about you! Keep up the fight! Did you have a chance to read any of Lance's book, he discusses this...cuz rob

Beth Mellor said...

Hi cousins, thanks for the comments. I did jump ahead to the chemo chapter Rob. Now I know I have nothing to whine about. Man, Lance had it hard. And Danny, love the bald women thoughts. I'm hoping my head doesn't have too many lumps and bumps from my clutzy youth. Love you both! Beth