Saturday, December 29, 2007

Haircuts and Birthdays

Happy Birthday Mom! Off to help celebrate at her house in a bit with far away aunts, uncles, and cousins. I'm feeling fairly good from chemo still. The new nausea drug seems to be working although we'll see if it holds out for the weekend. My insurance company has decided that I only needed three pills although my doc had written the script for eight. If I'm feeling really poorly I can go pick up the other pills at full cost and pay for reimburse but right now I'm hanging in.... just tired.... so tired. I added a quick pic of my new do to the right and there's a little photo montage on the beeboo site as I wasn't sure how to add larger images here. Check it out on the journal page at a fun night was had by all! Thanks for visiting. Beth


Rob said...

You look GREAT! Think of the money saved on hair "product" ;-) Happy New Year!!!

Beth Mellor said...

Hey, Thanks Rob. If I could only talk Phoebe and Sander into buzzing their hair as well we'd be in the money :o) Beth

MaryD said...

Hi Beth,

My name is Mary and I live in London, UK. I have a 7 year old son and a 12 year old daughter and have been writing my own breast cancer blog since Sept - bizarrely using the same format as yours. I hope you don't mind but I have just spent a radiotherapy afternoon reading yours which I came across entirely by accident and marvelling at some of the similarities of our stories - though I was spared the surgical nightmare! Just wanted to extend a sisterly hand across the ocean and tell you how amazingly brave and strong you are - I feel like a wimp by comparison...If you would like to check out my blog you can do so at

I hope you are feeling ok today

Love and best wishes from a small damp island...