Monday, December 10, 2007

Weekend Update

Sorry for the huge lapse in posts, only 4 days but seems like forever. I had a nice weekend with the kids and James. They went out yesterday and got a Christmas tree. Still on the front porch but it's a bit closer to the living room. I did some shopping with Mom on Saturday at the Mall and yesterday with the kids at the Heiffer Project. I feel the need to get things purchased before my Thursday appointment for first Chemo session. I'll need to go out again this week as I'm not quite done. Online purchases are also a possibility and may be a necessity for the kids big gifts. I've been at a loss so have asked them directly what they want and they're still thinking.... so Amazon may be part of the equation.

I'm still taking pain meds at night but have tried to stop them during the day. I'm quite uncomfortable but not in serious pain. I don't know how to describe it. I still take the pain meds at night as I'm much more comfortable sleeping. I'll see the thoracic surgeon for a check-up on Wed and hope to be able to verbalize my discomfort. Maybe there's some drug out there that would make me more comfortable than the pain meds. Who knows. One of the reasons I'm trying to stop using the drugs is that I can drive myself around. I'm actually going to give work a shot today on my own. It's icy out, kids have a 2 hour delay and James is sanding the driveway. Our road is horrible still but James says the rest of Princeton seems fine. I'll get to work and see how long I last. Andy, if you're reading this I'm on my way!

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