Friday, January 4, 2008

Setting Records

I've actually worked 2 full days in a row! It's a miracle. And I'm still feeling pretty good. Now it's the weekend so I can rest, rejuvenate, see a movie, henna Phoebe's hair, maybe even take a couple runs at the mountain... I told my primary care physician that I'd bought myself a bronze century pass so I can ski any day after 4 PM. She said, "I'm sure they'd give you your money back!" with a slightly shocked look on her face. But we chatted more about if I'm feeling well enough, why not? Good for me to be in the clean fresh air. She did recommend avoiding a ski lodge filled with stale air, colds, flus, etc. So, if it warms up a bit (in the forecast) and my energy level is high I may give it a shot. See you on the slopes!

And good news, my insurance company sent a letter saying they'd cover the full script of the anti-nausea drug that worked. But wait, bad news, the pharmacy is still bouncing it. What is up with this health care system? Ugh. I'm sure it'll all work out but hopefully before chemo on Thursday next week.


nancy said...

Hi Beth!
Sorry I've been so bad about getting back to you...It's great that you're keeping us all in touch with your progress, ups and downs. I'm hoping there will be some sense of normalcy again for you soon now that at least the holidays are behind you.
I love the fuzzy head! I can't wait to see a Mellor family photo with your heads shaved!
Keep up the good work and positive spirits, you're amazing!
Please get in touch if you have time for a visit or if I can help you out in any way.

Beth Mellor said...

Hey Nancy, No stress, we'll get together some year. I loved the fuzzy head too :o) too bad the fuzz all washed away. Love to you and yours and WE WILL see you soon! Beth